Sunday, May 29, 2011

{My Parties} Margarita Memorial PARTY!

Hey all!  Ok, so before I start, let me tell you that I JUST stopped tearing up...I was SO into setting up for the party, I completely forgot to take half the, completely forgetting the margarita welcome table (*tear*).  But, instead of having a pity party, I'll at least show you the ones I DID take...wah, lesson learned :(

One of the major decor started with these...can you guess for what??
No, they weren't for drinks, they were for the topiaries on the "welcome table"...this idea was from the fabulous Hostess with the Mostess...
The tables were decorated with fresh limes and margarita pics (if I had the pictures of the margarita cupcakes, you'd see the pics on them too...again, wah...)
Besides the margarita welcome table, we had a separate bar table...check out the "tequila" sign!  I also had "eat. drink. repeat" signs up, not all of them turned out great, but here are a few...

So, I'm embarrassed to admit that's all I have, but I guess that just means we'll have to have a do-over.  I could get used to Margarita BBQs =)  But, although I was sad to not have pics to show all my work and detail, I reminded myself that we were surrounded by friends, family, and everyone we love.  THAT made it worth it.  Hope everyone had a great holiday!

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